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By bigdickdowhatnow? - 12/09/2017 01:34

Today, I almost lost my virginity. I would've, had it not been for the fact that what I thought was a woman was actually just a very convincing transgender. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70
You deserved it 30

Top comments

Maybe they were pre-op? They could have looked mostly female but without the final snip as it were. It's only natural to not want to have sex with someone who does not have your preferred genitals. Male or female


Transgender women are still women, you jerk. Don't want to have sex with a woman because she's transgender? Fine, but don't act like she isn't a woman because you find her anatomy to be a turn off.

I was coming here to post this, but you already did.

Maybe they were pre-op? They could have looked mostly female but without the final snip as it were. It's only natural to not want to have sex with someone who does not have your preferred genitals. Male or female