By pantless - 23/10/2016 09:31 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I went to a McDonald's drive-thru in just a shirt and underwear, thinking I wouldn't be seeing anyone. I got into a car crash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 251
You deserved it 10 705

Same thing different taste

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Honestly YDI. Who the hell goes driving and thinks that maybe not having a pair of pants could be a bad idea? Also, do you not realize that those McDonald's people don't want to see your Barney the dinosaur boxers? No wonder they want $15/hr. They'll need it to get psychiatric help.

Not a great idea anyway, because unless you're in a big up truck, the drive through worker would be able to see.


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Not a great idea anyway, because unless you're in a big up truck, the drive through worker would be able to see.

Honestly YDI. Who the hell goes driving and thinks that maybe not having a pair of pants could be a bad idea? Also, do you not realize that those McDonald's people don't want to see your Barney the dinosaur boxers? No wonder they want $15/hr. They'll need it to get psychiatric help.

I don't exactly think that drive-thru people are going to be looking into your car and looking at what kind of pants you're wearing. But still is it really that difficult to put on some pants?

mariri9206 32

While I agree with the YDI - because you should, at least, put on pants, even pajama pants would do - I can tell you, as someone who works at a drive thru (for a different corporation), you're not really looking at their pants - you're looking at their face while also taking the next persons order while payment is processing or counting out their change and getting straws and napkins and the similar last minute things ready with/for their order. Bonus info: if the car is a giant SUV or truck, you can't see their waist.

But if the car is lower to the ground than the drive-they window you can't help but see what they're wearing when you pass stuff out. Regardless of if you want to.

Also the guy lives in Australia as far as I know it's the employees in America who want 15 dollars an hour which by the way is allot closer to a living wage (you know the wage where you're above poverty(my understanding of it)) then what they get now

mariri9206 32

Again, 16, we're not even focusing on your bottoms or even your clothes, in general. We're focused on other things such as payment, change, getting your order ready, taking the next person's order. Even when it's not busy, the last thing I'm thinking about or looking at are your clothes.

Technically, $11 per hour (I've seen this on McD hiring ad) is just above poverty line. But, you know, better to have more than less.

Unless you were driving with your eyes closed (which I really hope you weren't), you'd be seeing people regardless of the state of your pants. The bigger issue here is people seeing you. I think it's time to take a look at yourself in the mirror if you're too lazy to take a minute to put on some pants any time you'd be going outside.

species4872 19

You do realize that here in Oz most of us drive around like that.

I live in Oz and I'd never drive around with no pants.

Who even drives in Oz? I travel by flying monkey.

species4872 19

You guy's be surprised by how many people drive around in their pajamas, underwear, naked, gorilla suits etc.

How hard is it to throw on a pair of sweatpants at least? YDI

People need to get an award for putting pants on...but hey if you got a nice body people would say I'm lovin' it!

DarianM 18

I feel for you OP, it's mid spring and it's already getting warm, or though maybe next time find a comfy pair of shorts to throw on haha