By Anonymous - 02/10/2009 04:46 - United States

Today, I applied for college graduation. Turns out my advisor screwed me over and now I'm 1 credit hour short of getting my degree. Now I have to wait another semester and pay $3,500 just to take a one hour class on Bowling so that I can graduate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 822
You deserved it 6 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0

That sounds rather fake. 3,500$ for Bowling? Why would you even need a class on Bowling for college? Now that the serious part is out of the way... With only one class I guess you'll have a lot of SPARES. :P Maybe you should protest it and start a student STRIKE. :P Well, looks like that's another 3, 500$ in the GUTTER! :D

wow. i wouldnt do that. i would tell them its just an hour credit and try to work it out. try to talk to the people and get help. but that sucks.


I can believe this. I had to go an extra year because the advisors were idiots. But I think the college should be able to work something out w/ you if it's just one class.

Don't you know that you're never supposed to blindly trust your advisors? They're notorious for screwing over their advisees. I sometimes wonder if it's not a conspiracy to weed out the idiots in a program. Oops, guess it worked. YDI.

Hey - who cares! You're still going to be a college graduate. Look to the bright side of things, you pessimistic ****.

Hunnibum 0

haha well, why the hell are you on FML if you aren't here to read about people being pessimistic?

lem0n_fml 0

Actually sometimes advisors DO register you for classes. At my university, your advisor has to sign off and approve everything before you register for a class.

YDI for not managing your own schedule.

anonymous69_fml 0

summer school you ******* dipshit! do you even deserve to graduate?!

You realize that this is the start of the Fall semester, right? There is still this semester and spring before the op can even think of summer school! Think next time.

captainmaharet 1

That's why you keep track of a course plan YOURSELF. YDI.

All the people who are saying YDI have obviously never been in college. I've had advisers give me wildly wrong information and, in some colleges at least, they are the ONLY way to get information. In my previous college, you had to see an adviser to to do ANYTHING and if they did something wrong, you would have no way of knowing until you saw another one who thought enough to notice the mistake. I was in the same situation. I saw countless advisers over the years, regularly checked the school's woefully outdated records online, and kept meticulous track of my credits and requirements. When I went to get my graduation check, the adviser I saw informed me that everyone else had been wrong (or just lazy) and I was short a requirement. FYL, OP, FYL.

Vren 0

I have been to college... am currently working on a PhD. I have also TAUGHT and ADVISED students while working at a community college. There is this little thing called a "college handbook" that they pass out to you when you first enroll. You can also usually pick up extra copies in the administration offices or registrar's office. Guess what? They are also online! Every one of these handbooks explains in explicit detail what courses you need. The basics: 6 hours of math and English, 12 hours of science, 4 hours of health, etc. etc. They also tell you how many elective hours you need, as well as a total number of hours you need when all of the required hours are added up. If you can't look up this information yourself and make sure that you're on the right track, you don't deserve the degree.

When I was accepted to King (I went somewhere else though) my advisor emailed me with a set schedule of classes that he already picked out for me. I didn't get to choose dates, times or anything. What your advisor does depends on where you go

At least it's a fun class and virtually impossible to fail. :]