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By englishornah - 23/04/2015 02:53 - United States - Somerset

Today, I asked my classmate to look over my essay. His comments were longer than the essay itself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 421
You deserved it 5 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Personally, i appreciate constructive criticism even if i don't see things eye to eye with the editor. Who knows...your classmate might have some helpful suggestions that will get u that A :)

Was it a short essay, or did you just make a lot of mistakes? Either way, that's probably not good.


Was it a short essay, or did you just make a lot of mistakes? Either way, that's probably not good.

Well, did you write in proper English or nah?

wait naw and bae aren't proper English? I've been bamboozled.....darn

that's not what the term 'proper English' means.

That says more about your essay than the friend.

Good feedback, while it should be thorough, should also be direct, simple, and easy to understand. Long, complicated written feedback is not helpful to the writer. Even if a paper is absolute crap, writing an essay of feedback is unhelpful. If it's really that bad, the friend should have talked to OP about the problems. As an English teacher, I find the best, most useful feedback (especially on a weak essay) is verbal (though I do provide some written feedback).

snarkytruth 37

Whole point is he asked a fellow classmate not an English teacher. So their help isn't going to be expected to be professional. (Taking a risk on even being correct too). He should be grateful for the help and his mate trying to teach him so he doesn't keep making the same errors. OP should have just done his own work and turned it in on his own merit.

Fair enough. I was just trying to point out that excessively long, written comments/feedback aren't really helpful. From anyone.

Maybe one of his comments was that your essay is too short? What was the essay on?

xluciferx666 21

If his comments that long I can imagine what his essays are like.


Personally, i appreciate constructive criticism even if i don't see things eye to eye with the editor. Who knows...your classmate might have some helpful suggestions that will get u that A :)

You don't have to crop out your forehead to fit in your boobs on your picture, your face is pretty enough :) there you go, constructive criticism!

#8 that's not constructive criticism, that's petty.

#8 You could upload a picture instead of forcing us stare at a generic grey picture

It appears that #8 deleted his comment, it read "#6 you dont have to crop out your forehead to get your boobs in the picture, your face is pretty enough as it is."

Atleast he put in a genuine effort to help you. Consider all his notes and try to make your essay the best it can be

If it stops you handing in a shit essay then it is a good thing.

Steffi3 40

At least he tried to be helpfull, and it sounds like you could use the help

Constructive criticism and for grading is critical. Would you have rather gotten it from the teacher next to an "F"?