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By not satisfied - 11/02/2016 17:06 - United States - Barnhart

Today, I asked my husband if he could at least try to give me an orgasm. His response? "Um... why?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 168
You deserved it 3 436

Top comments

rockaroths 15

You need to talk to him and let him know sex isn't a one way street and isn't all about him but it's also 50% about you

You need to have a serious talk with him. Him not caring to please you says something (possibly) about how much he cares. Worse comes to worst, don't allow penetration until he gives you one first.


U should reply back ..umm couse im horny , not that Im leaving eith amature

he might care when you stop having sex with him completely. if you don't cum he don't cum. Or leave him. Your pleasure is JUST AS IMPORTANT. Sex is not your "gift" to him, obligation from wife to husband. A man who doesn't understand the thrill of pleasing a woman right is just a child. Leave him.

Why the hell are you even married to someone so selfish?

But he'll bitch about you using a toy to finish the job he won't I'm sure.

it sounds like he was a bit embarrassed op if he paused like that. give him a talk and talk nicely, sorry op. FYL

He needs to learn to love licking your labia long time.

Sounds like he really does not give a damn. I agree with some of the other comments. Go on strike and just buy toys. He will either give in or he will give up. Either way something has to happen.

phree04 1

What an ass. Tell him that sex is important to you, that you should be able to ****** too, and if he doesn't start trying you will leave.