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By not satisfied - 11/02/2016 17:06 - United States - Barnhart

Today, I asked my husband if he could at least try to give me an orgasm. His response? "Um... why?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 168
You deserved it 3 436

Top comments

rockaroths 15

You need to talk to him and let him know sex isn't a one way street and isn't all about him but it's also 50% about you

You need to have a serious talk with him. Him not caring to please you says something (possibly) about how much he cares. Worse comes to worst, don't allow penetration until he gives you one first.


catz4dayz 4

you don't marry someone who can't make you cum. sorry not sorry. ydi

BloodyGlass 10

I hope you divorce his selfish ass.