The real me

By Claire - 17/12/2020 17:01

Today, I finally told my parents I'm trans. My dad started crying and told me he loved me no matter what. My mother threw a chair at me, and told my dad it was his "wife-like" behaviour that made me this way. She then prayed out loud for an hour for God to send her a real husband and son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 835
You deserved it 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least one parent isn't a asshole your mim sounds like she is a toxic individual maybe it's time for you and your dad to think about ditching her

You need to get out right now. Throwing a chair at your own child is unforgiveable. If she can't accept you, that's her problem, but considering how unhinged she is, she may do a lot worse to you and your dad in the future. I hope you find happiness with your true self, and I hope your dad remains at your side.


Well at least one parent isn't a asshole your mim sounds like she is a toxic individual maybe it's time for you and your dad to think about ditching her

You need to get out right now. Throwing a chair at your own child is unforgiveable. If she can't accept you, that's her problem, but considering how unhinged she is, she may do a lot worse to you and your dad in the future. I hope you find happiness with your true self, and I hope your dad remains at your side.

I'm a dad to a 20 year old mtf trans guy. It took me a long time to understand and accept my son's transition. He and I are now very close and have mutual respect for each other. I'm glad your dad is supporting you. One thing that helped me a lot was going to a support group for parents of trans kids. Maybe you could find one in your area. If you can get your dad to go, that will help him and perhaps he can convince your mom to go too. Good luck.

If your child is mtf(male to female), they are female. If he is your son and trans, they are ftm (female to male). I know a lot of people mess those terms up, so I wanted to clear it up for you, so you don't accidentally seem transphobic to the wrong people. But good on you for being accepting. It's always so amazing to know there are accepting parents out there! - Your friendly neighborhood transguy!

Hey Claire.. I am glad that you can now at last live as yourself. Sorry about your mom, I really hope she comes around. Considering how Jesus advocated understanding and acceptance of those different from ourselves, I really don't understand how reborn christians can be such judgemental assholes. Seriously. As a guy who never understood trans people untill I fell in love with my beautiful trans girlfriend (soon wife), I would like to tell you that people do change. I never understood that it is actually a medical condition, for instance. Good luck with her!! I really hope that she comes around.