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By princessrose - 16/11/2016 11:05

Today, I asked the guy I share a desk with at work out because he has texted me a few times and seemed pretty into me. He said he doesn't date coworkers, even though the last 5 people he's dated have been coworkers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 689
You deserved it 1 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it's his new rule for himself since the office is really awkward now and he doesn't want another ex there if you guys don't work out. Or maybe he's just not that into you. Either way, sorry to say, but you have your answer m'dear.


Maybe it's his new rule for himself since the office is really awkward now and he doesn't want another ex there if you guys don't work out. Or maybe he's just not that into you. Either way, sorry to say, but you have your answer m'dear.

Rule of thumb OP... Don't shit where you eat... This time literally, cos he's right at your desk...

you have the wrong idea of what "literally" means.

He probably means he doesn't date coworkers who sit within 4 feet of him. Smart rule!

species4872 19

So what's the problem? Apparently not keen on you, move on.

Then he should just say "I'm not into you" instead of saying he doesn't date coworkers when he clearly has. If it's a new rule, clarify that it hasn't worked out in the past. Don't state what appears to be a lie.

species4872 19

Should or should not say, people ******* lie, all the time. move on.

Wow, you must have some great relationships with that attitude.

Maybe he's been told off by your boss more than once for it. It's probably caused some friction in the workplace if the relationships ended badly or he's learned his lesson on dating where he works. Can you imagine dating this guy and having to see him all the time in and out of work? Just doesn't work.

you'd think that the person that has been around the office would be the one you wouldn't want to be going out with

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You dodged a bullet. Don't tempt fate.

So I'm wondering how long you've known him to know that. Did you personally witness these 5 come and go or did he tell you? In any case what was the time frame between these five?