By gracehi - 07/03/2014 20:29 - United States - Jacksonville
gracehi tells us more.
Thank you, but I wasn't brave. There's a tall picket fence and some trees obscuring the view of my apartment from the school. I can only see the school parking lot because I'm on the second story. The only reason someone would be able to see me from there would be if they were looking for me. I would have been quite safe, even if there had been any real danger. If there really was some lunatic shooting up the school, at the very least I would have called the cops. I'd like to think I would also grab my gun, head over there, and try to shoot the mother ****** myself, but you never really know what you'll do in a situation like that until it happens.
Top comments
Hilarious! Instinct?
Good job.
OP 2 questions: first what kind of experiment are theses kids doing that sound like guns? Second where do you live where a gunshot only bugs you and no one else?
both stupid questions, a baloon full of hydrogen being poked with a lit match makes a hell of a bang, something I did in science class, secondly, it doesn't matter if the "gunshot" sound only bothered her, she wanted to make sure that everything was ok, and I'm sure multiple phone calls to authorities would make them react quicker if it was a gunshot, to top it all off she was sleeping when it happened
So what was the project
As soon as she wakes up her ninja reflexes kick in
Give in to curiosity is ...
I'm very curious as to what time this happened at
At least it wasn't actually a gunshot!
Of course not. You always sit inside and wait for the people who got shot to tell you what happened.