By very very lonely - 24/09/2016 04:18

Today, I bought a friendship bracelet. I'm not sure what's sadder, the fact that I don't actually have a friend to give the other half to, or that I'm actually wearing one of them so it looks like I have friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 492
You deserved it 1 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Think of your bracelet as like a hope chest. You're saving the other half for the right friend!

When I was a kid, I won a "best friends" watch set at the arcade. As I was there with family (and didn't really have any friends), I couldn't decide which one I preferred, so I wore one on each arm. One watch said "Best" and the other said "Friends". My sister was incredibly mean about it, but I felt super cool having two watches. After that my mum bought me a nice watch which I still have. Now I don't like having things on my wrist so I haven't worn a watch in at least 10 years. Leave them on the side and pretend they are from two different people. ;)


What's saddest is that it's 2016 and you're buying a friendship bracelet

Sorry I know how you feel, it is how I found this site in the first place.

I found a friendship necklace while cleaning at work earlier this year and started wearing it because I thought it was funny since I have no idea who has the matching piece. I don't have any friends either, but honestly, sometimes the best thing is to keep to yourself and focus on life and let friendships grow when they will. Trying too hard and letting it make you feel like a loser just traps you in a bad place

Hey there is another guy who needs a friend, you should give it to him

Op, have you tried joining clubs or groups that share your interest? Check your local library for events, and consider looking into internet communities too. Maybe even take a class for something you enjoy if that's an option. Best of luck, op!

Bigdawg42 8

This might sound creepy over the internet but I'll be your friend! :)