By nuttedthefout - 28/04/2011 13:16

Today, I bought my boyfriend a gold watch for our 2 year anniversary. He bought me a jar of Nutella. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 619
You deserved it 9 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iLikeReadingFMLs 2

Take the watch back. Buy him some bread. Now you can both share Nutella and Bread sandwiches. Winning


What's wrong with Nutella? I would be super excited if my boyfriend bought me Nutella! My college spending limit is to tight to buy my own!

in my opinion you got the better gift. haha

misszombiexx 10

But you probably still ate the Nutella, right? Don't ******* complain.

A gold watch is total overkill. I would have prepared some great quality time, like going to a concert or visiting the place where you've met or...

Uhm.. it's nutella. That's 300 times better.

She's upset because he only bought her ONE jar. I can eat that stuff with a spoon.