By nuttedthefout - 28/04/2011 13:16

Today, I bought my boyfriend a gold watch for our 2 year anniversary. He bought me a jar of Nutella. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 619
You deserved it 9 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iLikeReadingFMLs 2

Take the watch back. Buy him some bread. Now you can both share Nutella and Bread sandwiches. Winning


slients_1234 0

Well lucky you, I got nothing for me and my boyfriend's 3 year anniversary. At least he got you something.

NUTELLA IS THE BEST ******* THING EVER. you better keep that jar!

BVBarmyForever 0

It better be some really good freaking nutella.

Dude, nutella is the single greatest food on earth! Be happy you got some!

udeserveditbro69 0

Nutella is better than a gold necklace.

lanken84 1

You need to step it up. Nutella is delicious!