By Gg - 23/07/2009 21:19 - United Kingdom

Today, I bust my lip when a car bumped into mine. As I headed home, I was stopped by the police who told me my back light was out. I tried to explain, but it just came out as "fghjiljh" because of my lip. I was arrested on suspicion of drinking and driving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 989
You deserved it 4 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOLL, wait but I don't get how you can't talk properly just cause your lip is swollen a bit

That sucks. But a test would immediately prove you didn't drink, so it's not that bad?


jason0 2

go to

heavenandhell 0

You see that's what's wrong with the us. When I'm drunk I can stand on one foot and walk and everything they shouldent rely on that for others safety

AJ872 0

For one thing, there's nothing to say he didn't do all of that. For another, he was the one who was hit, not the other way around. If there was little to no damage, and the swollen lip was the worst of the injuries, maybe he decided not to bother. A lot of people do that, if there's nothing much to make a report about. The above was supposed to be a reply to #47; not sure why it didn't pop up that way.

AJ872...... the OP makes it sound like the wreck ruined his lights. if that is the case, I'm sure he would have gotten a police report and the guys info before driving off. the swollen/bleeding lip should have been more than enough evidence for the cop not to expect alcohol was involved. FAKE!

Thecloak 0

This is so fake that I want to punch you

lexibro , I could have swore they had tools called radios where cops can communicateYDI

You fail to live up to your name. Do you think cops radio all the other cops every single time they respond to an accident or pull someone over ?

Lexibro, maybe not in UK but in US cops radio in to control or command or whatever you want to call it any time they stop for any reason. It is for their safety so if something happens someone knows what they were doing. I would think it would be the same in the UK. If a cop was sent to an accident it is likely nearby officers would be aware of it. it would also be in their computer system, so if the idiot posting this fake fml had reported the accident it would have been in their system and the cop would have known what was up.

Yeah, you're an idiot. Cops don't arrest you on suspicion. They give you a sobriety test first. This is fake. Next time, you should try harder, and maybe we'll believe it.

Ahhh this is such a fake FML!! The busted lip would have been clear enough evidence for why you couldn't talk coherently and you sure wouldn't get arrested on suspicion of drinking... Omg seriously when will people stop writing such BS?!

ericavel 0

Do we get to go and get our brooms now?