By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 00:02 - United States

Today, I called my boyfriend's job to ask him a question. His co-worker answered the phone, and when I asked for my boyfriend, he assumed I was someone else. Who exactly would that someone else be? FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 137
You deserved it 3 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of the other girls in his harem perhaps?


ManaUser 0

From how you worded this, I can't tell if you're being overly paranoid or not. If you said "Is Dave there, this is his girlfriend." and they go "Oh, Karisa?" That's pretty bad, although she could be his ex, depending on how long he's worked there. But otherwise, it doesn't mean anything at all.

YUNO_fml 0

btw the other person was the person that her boyfriend was cheating on her with

YUNO_fml 0

btw the other person was the person that her boyfriend was cheating on her with

YUNO_fml 0

dump him and destroy him and that other bitch's life. sucks to be you

XxdarkangelxX13 0

where did it automatically say he was cheating on u, u might be overreacting:P

pickleman14 0

girls always assume the worst..... thats why boys rule and girls drool!!!!!

Shut up. Girls are smarter. Boys have no common sense.

pickleman14 0

girls always assume the worst..... thats why boys rule and girls drool!!!!!

redhedsaysrawr 18

complete over reaction talk to him about it first don't be so jumpy.

YOLO16 4

girls question guys too quickly. maybe he's waiting on a call from his aunt or mom or a cousin