By humorizer - 12/09/2012 08:44 - United States - Mansfield
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^ Yard sale. My parents always complain that I hoard too much junk (they never get the idea behind why I have so many different controllers for my NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, Wii, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, etc)... and demand that I throw away all the controllers and only keep "one or two since that's all you need". And don't get me started on chargers... they think all I need is one single charger to take care of my multitude of laptops and game consoles and cameras... So when they see a 'worthless picture frame' (which I believe had an image of the Bronte sisters as the default on the lock screen the last time I saw it), they think they're doing me a favor by getting me money by selling a 'picture frame [I] just leave laying around on the floor'.
Top comments
How does she not see you reading it and stuff? People don't usually stare at frames for long periods of times like you do with kindles -_-
I don't understand how: 1: your mom is so dumb( she has never seen you use it? C'mon!) 2: why would your mom giving you a Dollar be so great? How bout a five instead?
Or a 10. Or a 20. How about a 50? You see, the amount is arbitrary, it was great to OP because he thought it was the generosity behind the act that mattered more than the amount.
That and how expensive would you think a picture frame would be?
My parents ask me how much I spend on my electronics when they see me using it (they even asked me "how much did you spend on THIS new laptop?" despite it being the same laptop I bought 3 years ago... they'd just seen me using my laptop that I bought 1 year ago much more frequently). So I tried to avoid letting them see me use my nook and kindle very often. Luckily, the more expensive Kindle actually has a keyboard on the bottom, so they didn't sell THAT one. Granted... I haven't found that one either lately... but I'm pretty sure that this isn't the one they sold.
So you have multiple devices granted they aren't all new , but... you also have a kindle already to replace the nook you lost. Its not that big a deal then? Next time your mom gives you a dollar op be suspicious.
Even of you have no idea what a kindle is, I don't see how a sensible person could mistake it for a picture frame when holding it. The two things are really quite dissimilar.
Exactly. I think that bitch set OP up; she knew what she was doing!
Not to mention, aren't Kindles quite a lot heavier than a photo frame? Even if the OP's mom thought it was just a frame, wouldn't she get suspicious about the weight and check to see if OP was hiding something (money for example) in the back? Or at least ask the OP whether the "frame" meant anything to them before getting rid of it? That's something my mother was always wary about - she never put any of my belongings in the bin (or sent them to charity shops) before asking me first, because she didn't know if I was hiding things inside them or whether I had some unknown attachment to the item. Even if it WAS just a frame, who's to say it didn't have some sort of sentimental value to the OP? I have plenty of "junk" items from friends who have either died or moved away, so I'd hate for someone to get rid of them just because they think they're ugly or not worth keeping.
this is why parents should stay out of their kids rooms.
Call me crazy, but I think the death sentence is a little excessive here.
go get it back. If they don't' give it back, report it stolen. Amazon will lock it out and they cannot use it at all. End of story.
While $1 is technically "nothing", it was still a payment for a device. The guy legitimately bought it and having it locked out would be fraud on my part. The guy who bought it knew he was ripping us off, but at the same time, he wasn't the one who offered the price (I assume...). I know I'd have done the same thing in his situation. Simply under the fear of the seller saying, "Wait... you're offering me $20 instead of $1 for this? Something's up... I'm changing my mind. Not for sale."
I don't think that would be fraud. If you bought it with your own money, then you mom stole it from you and he recieved stolem property. It would be like canceling your credit card if it was stolen. If the guy comes back complaining that it wont work, tell him what happened and give him back his dollar. And dont press any charges.
@96: The guy did nothing wrong so to speak in a legal sense. Yes, morally he should have offered a higher price, since he probably knew my mother had no idea what she was selling (her english also sucks, so he may have said, "how much for this nook/ereader?" and she probably assumed he was asking "How much for this thing/picture?" because of how I know she'd have never heard either word before, and been told, "Oh, $1". The guy simply took a great deal that was presented to him. Legally he did nothing wrong (except TECHNICALLY buy stolen goods, if you want to consider that my mother was the "thief"). But at that point, the cops would say, "So the only thing we can do is get it back for you if you can find the object, but your mother will have to be officially charged with theft. Still care to go on with this? We'll have to charge her with theft first, so we can't even go to the buyer until your mother is officially charged." At this point, though, I'm over it. To be honest, my mother wasn't exaggerating when she said it was on the floor all the time. I've been using my Kindle DX because of how much larger it is and also my Lenovo Tablet because of its large size and color screen. Note: Don't get the wrong impression; I may have nice stuff, but I'm not rich at all. I bought the nook last year (or maybe even two years ago?) to try to save money on text books, but when that didn't work out very well (it was relatively small and didn't scale down my textbook pdfs very well), I bought a Kindle with pretty much half my money (I had about $700 in my bank account, but was getting desperate to catch up on learning, so I took the plunge on a $379 Kindle :/ ). That was last year. This year, I saw a refurbished model of a lenovo tablet at work that would normally sell for $400 if not refurbished for about $250 refurbished. So I went ahead and checked my employee discount on the refurb model: it came out to about $200. I went ahead and bought it that day because I decided this was my chance to get into the tablet world. Though now I kinda regret buying that DX :P I rarely use it (thanks to the new tablet) and am pretty much broke (waiting over a month now to get my severance check from my previous job just so I can pay back the excess balance on my credit card just to get back to 'neutral'. :/ Alas, scholarships didn't go through this year in full, so I ended up spending about $1300 more out of pocket this year than I'd have normally done. Anyhow, I really went off topic there. Sorry folks. lolz
it does still suck that this happend to you. Especially since you're in college. My brother just started his second year, and i will be staring my first next year, and he had a lot of scholarhips his first year. This year he didnt get as much but he did get a job as an RA. Even with that though he still has a lot he needs to pay for. And your parents don't really sound like they are helping you. But i would recommend what someone else said before, sell some old things you don't need and/or use anymore. You could also try and educate your parents on some of the things you own and need to leave at home for one reason or another. Or you could put every thing in crates or boxes or something else when your not using it, thats what i do. If i'm not using a game console or contolers or anything really i put it in a clear plastic crate and keep it underneath the T.V.
Thanks for the info. Actually, I have indeed begun cleaning up my room recently thanks to a famous prescription that is known have a side effect of sorts that causes people to want to clean stuff. It's been helping big time and my room isn't in shambles anymore. Granted, it's (as you suggested) compressed into a few boxes here and there, but when the time comes to to actually take something out of one of the boxes, I admit I won't know which box will have what I need... and thus the messes will come right back (it's still not even fully neat yet in terms of putting everything in boxes; there's still stuff lying around). BUT... it's a start... and it's better than how things were just a month ago. As for selling stuff... my parents say that all the time, but I actually either need my stuff (such as my multitude of USB cables or chargers) or it's stuff that I don't need but want to keep (such as my video game consoles collection). It's stuff I either can't or don't want to part with. :/ BUT, I can see the progress being made and thanks to the new shelves and other furniture my parents have given me the past few weeks (they're not all that bad all the time! Ha ha), I feel very confident I can neatly arrange all my stuff and not need storage crates. Just a matter of finding time and the will power. Speaking of time, i should get off FML and go back to studying!
I think you're being very reasonable about it. You might consider preemptively selling stuff you don't use (for a reasonable price) before she can do it for you. Or, try having a calm talk with mom about not selling stuff you bought without asking you first a) whether you need it and b) what it is and how much it's worth.
Another thing you can do, as childish as it might sound, is ask your mom or dad to help you sort out your things especially if some of the difficulty comes from time restraints. The job would go by much faster with ore than one person and it would have the benefit of introducing your parents you all of your gizmos and gadgets. I would also recommend lableing the boxs with either whats specifically in that box (i.e. kindle, music player, cell phone accessories, ect) OR having a more general lable, like chargers (rolled up before you putting it in the box to prevent tangling) controllers, laptop accessories, and so on and so forth until everything have a place.

Demand that she buys you a new one.
That really sucks doode, you should get her back by selling that really big moving picture frame in the sitting room