By Anonymous - 14/11/2014 22:36 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By damnit - 27/10/2008 09:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/07/2009 21:12 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/11/2015 13:34
By nitwit - 08/09/2009 12:29 - Greece
By a single fuck - 23/05/2013 16:40 - Germany - Berlin
By Imrickar - 30/04/2011 05:06 - United States
Double life
By Anon - 14/10/2010 08:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/01/2014 23:32 - Puerto Rico - Bayamon
By internetadvice - 01/04/2009 04:04 - United States
It wasn't me
By psycho ex - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Brazil
Top comments
Try to talk to her about it before you act.
check your browser history to see what Google told her to do
Maybe it isn't what it looks like! Though sorry if she's cheating.
I agree, just cause she googled it doesn't mean 100% that she's cheating on you. It is a possibility but there are other possibilities like It might be for a friend or she might just be web surfing and some how got on that page.
I feel like this needs a follow up, because I am curious to know why OP is looking at his girlfriend's search history. This however does not excuse her for cheating, if she did in fact cheat on OP.
it doesn't mean he was snooping, Google gives you sugestions when you type, and it will also lost all or your searches in chronological order

Talk to her. Just because she Googled it doesn't mean she actually cheated. She could be trying to help a friend that is in that situation. "One of your girlfriends" how many do you have?
I think OP meant one of the searches.
"One of my girlfriend's recent searches". Note how the meaning of the sentence completely changes when you don't cut half of it off. Also note that it's "girlfriend's" not "girlfriends". It isn't plural, it's referring to a search done by the girlfriend.
"girlfriend's" with an apostrophe S. Meaning one of her searches.
I think he meant one of her google researches
it actually would have been " girlfriends' " s then apostrophe to show its a plural possessive.
it actually would have been " girlfriends' " s then apostrophe to show its a plural possessive.
he meant one of his girlfriend's searches as possessive not plural.
That would be if he had multiple girlfriends and he was referring to one of their Google searches.
How did this comment that needed one answer turn into a grammar war? Just wondering
Ask her about it
Chances are if she sees a way to divert blame from herself she's going to lie and say she didn't cheat, because op have her the opening of a possibility that she didn't
Just ask her about it. She might have googled it for someone else. Who googles something like that anyway?
I had something similar OP, my boyfriend (now ex) had googled "How to break up with my bipolar girlfriend", it turned out that it was from a while ago and he didn't even remember searching it. I'd ask her about it if I were you.
Talk to her first. It sucks to find something like that, but if you're lucky it could have been one of her friends...? It's unlikely but hey, who knows? Either way, that sucks. FYL.
Google Search : "Should I admit to my girlfriend that I found out she's a cheating hoe?". And have her find it on the computer.
Right below that search should be "proper muff punching technique" and "how to throw the *****'s shit out of my place in the meanest way possible".
Or under "how to hide a body properly"
Or "how to cut brake lines to make it look like an accident"
Don't jump to any conclusions, she might've looked it up for her friend or sister. Talk with her OP, and I hope she wasn't cheating.
Dump her!!

Try to talk to her about it before you act.
Google Search : "Should I admit to my girlfriend that I found out she's a cheating hoe?". And have her find it on the computer.