By pillowless - 13/10/2011 14:41 - United States
Same thing different taste
Oddly specific
By Angry and Confused - 29/06/2013 09:55 - United States - Reno
By XYZee - 22/08/2012 20:27 - United States - Rockmart
By rian - 03/04/2021 21:30
By Sad - 28/04/2009 22:13 - United States
By why me - 24/10/2017 01:30
By Danielle - 06/06/2011 19:00 - United States
By wheatsnake - 08/10/2009 13:31 - Australia
Put it all back
By WTFwhywouldyoudothat - 22/08/2011 22:10 - United Kingdom
Very smart
By Leauge - 28/01/2020 20:00 - United States - Owensboro
By Anonymous - 18/01/2010 00:40 - United States
Top comments
Maybe they thought you smelled great and had a nice pillowcase. Think of goldilocks, it was just right and they helped themselves!
Too bad he didn't come home in time to scare miss prissy pants off his property.
Maybe they mistook you for a celeb and your pillow cases and deo are worth a fortune
#50 could pass for a female Bieber... No offense
Literally thought number 50 was a picture of the biebs
I would die if someone stole my ps3 ... Cod lyfe
I hate goldilocks... "This ones too hot, this ones too cold" bitch it's not your food!
The pillowcase was to help them stash their goodies. I can't remember the exact reason behind it, but I recall reading in The Anarchist Cookbook (or some other similar 'survival guide for thieves' type book) that a burglar should simply grab a pillowcase and stuff it with stolen jewels to save time or something. As for deodorant... I have no idea what prompted that to happen.
They used the pillowcases to carry your stuff, and worked up quite a sweat hauling it all away
Welp at least i have soft swoopy hair.... Good use of photoshop...
Smelly, thieving trick-or-treaters!
With the crisis, pillowcases are hard to find now a days...
No point in harming the environment with plastic bags or garbage bags, at least the thief was going green! :P
What I dont understand is why you didn't have your cell Phone with you...
Hide the items well, Luke Skywalker.
Be quiet, Obiwan
A girl has a ps3?!
Why Is that shocking? Wat r u 13?
Yeah and next week they can leave the kitchen and get jobs... Hows the 1950's treating you?!
ahaha that's great
I think you spelled Moses wrong
At least the police know to look for a well-rested, pleasantly scented culprit.
Wow your a cute woman and smart
Seriously on fml lol at least go to a dating site dude
Well now you're pillow is naked and you're gonna sweat all over town. Pretty clever of them if you ask me. ;)
It actually is right as 'you're'.
"Well now you are pillow..." Really, 38? Really?

They probably used the pillow cases to haul the loot out. The deodorant is just freaky!
With the crisis, pillowcases are hard to find now a days...