Freaked out

By allergyface - 16/12/2009 03:34 - Canada

Today, I was talking to my parents when all of a sudden my dad started freaking out and asking my mom how I got this really bad allergy on my face. My mom just laughed, and then I had to explain to him that it was just my acne. The worst part is that he was dead serious the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 616
You deserved it 2 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He has been paying some close attention eh? Not! Good time to hit him up for some skin treatment, play the guilt card and cry just a little. If that doesn't work tell him if you don't get a boyfriend And get married you and your cats will live with him forever.

FYL. That's pretty insensitive of him. Make him buy you some prescription medication or something.


FYL. That's pretty insensitive of him. Make him buy you some prescription medication or something.

He has been paying some close attention eh? Not! Good time to hit him up for some skin treatment, play the guilt card and cry just a little. If that doesn't work tell him if you don't get a boyfriend And get married you and your cats will live with him forever.

FYL. Your Dad's dumb enough to not know what acne is. Hope he isn't your biological father, and so you didn't get any of his genes.

^^^This. Honestly, he's old enough to be the father of someone old enough to have acne.....and he doesn't know what acne is? about the shallow end of the gene pool....I actually think he's dumber than MY father, and I didn't think that was even possible until now!

um, well, it could be that it was a REALLY bad breakout. I've seen breakouts on people that do look much worse than regular acne

SweetestSin 4

how the **** does he not know the difference between acne and a rash?

I play football and during the summer my acne looks like a rash

perdix 29

He probably just ordered pizza and your face made him lose his appetite!

he apparently never pays much attention to you.

lickmyjock 0

At least you got a dad, ungrateful brat. Just sayin'.

waterynuggets 0

Uh oh, time for the suffering olympics

At least your dad cares that much about you. Yeah he overreacted but still

luvmytunes44 0

try accutane if your acne is bad enough. it worked well for me. (:

I could be wrong..but wasn't accutane pulled off the market because teenagers kept committing suicide?