By ronboy - 26/11/2012 23:11 - United States - Columbus

Today, I decided to be responsible and call a cab to take my drunk ass home from the bar. As I climbed into the cab, I was quickly pulled back out and had the shit beaten out of me by a group of drunk guys who thought they needed the ride more. The police soon arrived and arrested us all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 749
You deserved it 2 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hotPinklipstick 24

I'm sure this is the epitome of FML. Sorry OP, at least you were trying to be responsible.

Screaming 'rape' usually stops all action.


This exact thing happened to me on new years 2011

I can't help but wonder if you mean January 1, 2011 or December 31, 2011 but maybe I'm just crazy...yep I'm crazy.

It's just a legal thing. Due to the nature of having alcohol in systems the police will take all people involved back to the station where they will collect a statement from everyone and collect any footage from any surveillance cameras. The OP should have been fine if he was purely innocent.

Steve95401 49

This wasn't quite the ride that OP had in mind.

A free ride to the slammer with the health inspector.

A free doctor's exam too? Wow! With the rate at which health care costs are rising, OP sure is accruing a lot of awesome savings!

Nevermind if you haven't seen the Boondocks cartoon you won't get the joke.

Whenever I hear things like this, the only part that brings me any comfort is that drunken animals like the ones who attacked OP usually end up pissing off someone even more psychotic then they are sooner or later.

icadragoon 11

Looks like you should bring a DD whenever you go drinking.

frottiejoy 7

at least you tried to do the right thing

frottiejoy 7

at least you tried to do the right thing

Thanks for trying to do the right thing. Just this past weekend a kid who went to my school was walking on the side of the road and got hit by a drunk driver and was killed. You could've just saved a life.

That's pretty sad that a kid you know died because of some irresponsible asshole.