By Anonymous - 11/06/2013 16:11 - United States - Barrington

Today, I decided to try wearing eyeshadow, even though I'm not that girly. When I asked for help after several failed attempts, my sister walked in and said, "It's easy, just do what I do." She put the makeup on herself and looked amazing. She's eight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 993
You deserved it 6 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Am I the only one wondering why the 8 year old is wearing make up?

Teddzz 19


its alright OP....ive been ina simila situation before and life goes on for us

I know I'm just being a bit nit-picky here, but, it's not really a good thing to call eye shadow, or any make-up, "girly"? I know that a lot of guys do not wear make-up, and a lot of girls do, so, it's more common with girls, but, it's still kinda unnecessary to put a gender on something like make-up. Make-up isn't a person, it doesn't need a gender, calling make-up girly is one of the things that is putting pressure on men to try to avoid being "feminine", because there is a high chance of them getting bullied if they act "feminine", even though there is nothing wrong with being "feminine".

I love everything about your comment, username, and pic <3

Having a daughter of my own that is just damn scary.

It's so sad how the girl is starting off so little. I have a few friends who started wearing makeup around 10 and they now feel insecure without it on. Hopefully she doesn't grow up to think like some of my friends because makeup >can< do that a girl's confidence.

Your smart . Makeup is a waste of time and cash . Don't start something useless .

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's reeeeally sad. Eyeshadow is quite simple.

I can understand that. My sister new how to do make up when she was ten because of the beauty gurus on YouTube.