By JayCee500 - 27/05/2014 23:05 - France - Paris

Today, I deliberately didn't tell my therapist half of what I was going through because I didn't want to depress her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 335
You deserved it 11 432

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JayCee500 2

I'm the OP. I posted this after my last session with my therapist--I'd realized that this particular person wasn't working for me because I didn't really connect with her to an extent where I'd be able to tell her all my problems. This is the first time I'm seeking therapy, and from what people have said, it sometimes takes a while to find someone you are truly comfortable with. Just to be clear--I don't think that my particular problems are at all special, and they aren't even that bad when compared with half the shit people I know go through. It was just getting to the point where I was deliberately excluding things that had happened to me/that I felt because I considered them too "pathetic" to share. You can probably guess that one of my problems is that I care way too much about how other people perceive me.

Top comments

I've done that before, OP. at some point you gotta talk, or find a therapist you can open up to.


Been there. Just got back a few hours ago.