By Anonymous - 20/06/2018 19:30 - Australia

Today, I discovered that my ex is still my emergency contact at work. I found this out when I fainted and my work called her. She told them to "pull the plug". FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 194
You deserved it 823

Top comments

PenguinPal3017 19

Did they pull the plug? I hope you're not posting this as a ghost.

Zekfen 17

Better make sure she isn’t still on your life insurance policy or she might get ideas involving plugs.


She's brutal. What did you do? Steal her car? Bang her mother? Bang her mother in the stolen car?

I hope you're okay, but this is a good reminder to change your ICE (in case of emergency) contact when life changes happen.

chessu 21

While telling them to 'pull the plug' is not very good Samaritan of her regardless of the circumstances, there's a chance that she isn't a crazy mean ex and the OP did do something genuinely nasty and there hasn't been enough time for the wounds to heal. I am also going to assume that as it was work and not hospital who called her and fainting isn't all that uncommon, the OP was probably fine. If the hospital had called to say that he'd been in a serious car crash, she would've likely given a different response.

Yeah, you might want to get that fixed...

sucks that this happened, but really you gotta be adult enough to update your information as needed. The emergency contacts are just going to magically be removed.

WHSKitty 7

I’ve forgotten to remove exes as 911s before, myself. Luckily nothing like this happened to me!