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By hi_there4397 - 14/06/2013 04:39 - United States - Gilbert

Today, I donated blood for the first time. I'm completely healthy and after waiting the appropriate amount of time I left, feeling fine. That is until I went out to eat with my family an hour later and passed out in front of the whole restaurant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 192
You deserved it 4 109

hi_there4397 tells us more.

Hey there! I'm the OP :) I'm so happy this actually got published! Ok so just to clarify things I'm well over the minimum weight to donate and I ate food and drank liquids before, during, and after the donation. It was an hour later and we went to a place called organ stop pizza (lovely restaurant in AZ) and I started feeling dizzy most likely because the lights started flashing and loud music was playing. I got up to go to the bathroom (to puke :P) and on my way there I passed out. But I fell on my knees and caught myself before blacking out. The ambulance came and said all my levels were normal besides my low blood pressure and they let me go home to lie down and eat ice cream. So sorry for the long post but if you read this far then I love you! PS this incident won't stop me from donating again (I'm AB+) I'll just tell them to maybe do a reduced volume next time :)

Top comments

"Oh Katie, you simply MUST try the crème brûlée, it's to die for! ... Katie?"


Hey there! I'm the OP :) I'm so happy this actually got published! Ok so just to clarify things I'm well over the minimum weight to donate and I ate food and drank liquids before, during, and after the donation. It was an hour later and we went to a place called organ stop pizza (lovely restaurant in AZ) and I started feeling dizzy most likely because the lights started flashing and loud music was playing. I got up to go to the bathroom (to puke :P) and on my way there I passed out. But I fell on my knees and caught myself before blacking out. The ambulance came and said all my levels were normal besides my low blood pressure and they let me go home to lie down and eat ice cream. So sorry for the long post but if you read this far then I love you! PS this incident won't stop me from donating again (I'm AB+) I'll just tell them to maybe do a reduced volume next time :)

Nolimit2217 32
loveingit 7

We love you for donating!!!

Good for you OP, I hope this doesn't deter you from donating again in the future. I hate to spew propaganda, but you just potentially saved three lives, as I'm sure you've heard time and again. Pilots are not allowed to fly within 48 hours of donating, so it's somewhat known that you might still feel effects from it at least within the next 24 hours. I donated three times, went in for my fourth, and almost passed out after the finger prick. So it might have just been an anomaly, it can have different effects on the same person. All in all though, good on you, hope you're alright!

#54 yeah I didn't need the ambulance but the restaurant owner said he had to call them for legal reasons. And #51 yes I love my FFA family! I've only been in for 2 years but that's because I'm going into my junior year in the end of July, I'm still just a baby :P

Reducing the volume doesn't guarantee you won't pass out. I passed out once and donated after, with the same volume and was perfectly fine. I would try again before reducing the volume. ^^

CheeseTron 15

ABeing who is negative shall not receive A positive Being in return.

59: depends if you're talking about blood or plasma. Plasma, you can only donate to other O types, but whole blood/red cells, all + blood types can accept from you. Only more compatible type for whole blood is O-

i have low blood pressure and i passed out before. not cool.

Msraina 8

You don't have to do a reduced volume, just plan it so that you can spend the afternoon on the couch.

RealTalk0 7

I live in AZ too and organ stop pizza is an amazing place :D too bad that happened though..glad you're doing better!

The first time I donated I felt really sick and actually slept for hours, having to miss a parade for band. It gets better after a few times & it's really awesome for you to donate. :D

woah woah woah... so you're telling me, that somebody loves me? :'D

AB+? Ouch! Just pray you never need a transfusion. I'm A Neg.

88: AB+ is fine if you need blood, bad if you need plasma. As O- is universal donor for blood, AB+ is universal receiver.

Mizzesbestie 13

I'm o+ too! We can be not special together yay!

I'm AB+ too maybe one days you'll save my life OP!!

Try donating plasma, it's not as hard on your body and they compensate you for your time.

#92 O+ is great. I'm O+ and they're always want to get my blood. Unfortunately, they can't have it. Living overseas and all that jazz

pchaney24 6

It's ok. I had just turned 16 and it was my first time giving blood and I am way over minimum weight, I had eaten and I wasn't afraid of needles or blood but I was sitting in the chair and giving blood doing good but when I was almost done I had started to get dizzy and passed out. When I had woken up nurses were all around me and I had wet my pants. In my defense though they say that when you pass out you can't really help it. But at least you didn't wet your pants.

I'm o- so I can donate to all of you. but I'm going to need someone with o- to save me if ill ever need it.

I have no idea what my blood type is but I love all of you

Don't worry, OP! I'm sure they took it as a compliment. Waitress: How's the food? OP: It's... *faints on burger*

"Oh Katie, you simply MUST try the crème brûlée, it's to die for! ... Katie?"

And that is why I'm never going to donate blood. :) I'm a chicken.

That's okay we'll just take your unborn children instead.

Yeah, poultry generally aren't acceptable blood donors.

skyttlz 32

I donated once. I had a long recovery and definitely wasn't feeling well for days after. It's a good thing to do, but not everyone is able to.

It's ok OP just yell them you were feeling totally drained. and did you at least get a cookie for your blood?

" I AM OKAY! I WAS JUST TOTALLY DRAINED! " I agree, yelling is better then telling!

Nolimit2217 32

Was the selfless act still worth it? I hope so! Either way, you still helped someone else, so good on you!

DontClickOnMe 28

It happens. Maybe you were just low on sugar. But good job, OP for saving three lives. :)

Did they not give you any orange juice afterwards?

I hope you didn't turn it down because you were going to lunch later. That's dangerous, especially if you were driving. I'm going to give blood today and eat the free cookies and Gatorade.

catanita 18

There is nothing to worry about, OP. People react different after giving blood. Some experience some dizziness, some faint. For those who voted that she deserves it, why does she? I hope you do not ever need blood and not be anyone to donate.