By Moses - 25/04/2016 15:31 - Egypt

Today, I dragged my entire family to the beach for a swim. I don’t know what was up with the tides but the water was all over the place as soon as we came near. FML
I agree, your life sucks 312
You deserved it 41

Top comments

Why is there only a "I agree, that's historical" button? Give us the usual 2 opposing opinions at least.


I think the new update stuff should just be separated from the original feed, that way, people who dont like this stuff dont complain and those who like it can still view it

This isn't history because it never happened

fun_fml 0

Oh my gosh. I have to show my family some of these Historical FMLs. I would love to see their reaction.

I dont get this at all? the water was all over the place? maybe because you were at a beach?