By TaddM21 - 02/01/2015 03:18 - United States - Salem

Today, I dragged my grill outside in the freezing cold to cook a steak for New Year's day. I left my spatula in the garage, and I set the still-wrapped steak on the grill. I was only gone 45 seconds, but that was long enough for my cat to open the wrapper and run off with my steak in his jaws. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 834
You deserved it 6 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments


NoT_tHaT_pErFeCt 6

I definitely read "I dragged my girl outside to make a steak."

Well, why wasn't the girl watching the cat? I bet they're in league, those two.

petergozinya37 8
SexyWildRednecks 17

Cats can be assholes. My cats steal food from me and my kids all the time when we aren't looking. Never trust a cat but love them for the little funny thieves they are.

I have 7 cats - you learn ALL the rules of meat handling VERY quickly. 1) you cannot leave meat out unattended. Not for defrosting, not for a minute, or even a second 2) feed them RIGHT before you start cooking / eating As for the FML, hilarious, I've definitely witnessed my cats carrying a pork chop across the house - I know all too well what look you get when you try and take it back. Live and learn, OP!

It took your steak.. take one of its nine lives.. Or give it to a pound.. cats are jerks.