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By SoCalStoopid - 09/09/2011 21:17 - United States

Today, to save money, I bought some meat in bulk. When I got home, I was told that power to the neighborhood was out, and probably would be for days. Rather than let the meat rot, I barbecued it all and gave it away to my neighbors. The power came on while everyone was eating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 972
You deserved it 4 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

liggity 1

They will all think your awesome for feeding them!

ImmaB3AST 7

Now you got an excuse if you ever wanna borrow shit from anyone.


indielove 13

It was nice of you to share with your neighbors.Think of it as your good deed of the day.

liggity 1

They will all think your awesome for feeding them!

indielove 13

It was nice of you to share your meat.Think of it as your good deed of the day!

That sucks OP. Hopefully it wasn't too expensive. At least you got to spend some "quality bonding" time with your neighbors!

YourEvilHero 12

I share my meat with the neighborhood also. only the ladies though ;]

lmfao_shame 9

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tjv3 10

why didn't you buy an ice chest and ice?

Thonk of it this way though, you did something good for them and they're going to remember it next time you need help.

Think. Haha i'm not that great of a typer on my ipod.

bfsd42 20

My neighbors and I had a BBQ and candlelit drinking session during the same power outage. Awesome night. :) I was distraught when I woke up and the power was back, hence having to go to work. :( The moral being, power outages are a great excuse to get wasted.

bfsd42 20

And, #43, all the ice sold out really quickly yesterday in San Diego. It was like the recipe was forever lost and the people were left to fight for all that remained. We got the last three bags at our liquor store. Lol. Win.

monkeys1315 0

Well your neighbors love you now. And when you need something they'll be there to help you out.

Your karma bank is feeling pretty generous right about now huh?

PopRocks14 0

Karma is going to come around OP(:

PopRocks14 0

Karma is going to come around OP(:

tzuriel11 9

I was driving around crazy looking for ice last night!

Lol i live in HB no power outages here thank god...too hot to Not have A/C, my room wuz a beautiful 54degrees!

It was seriously one of the worst power outages that has ever happened to San Diego

Sonfang 19

So OP honestly that's not an FML, you shared with your neighbors who were out of power just like you. What do you think we did here in Texas during hurricane Ike? We had 15 days no power.

Look at the bright side, now they like you a little bit more because you gave them free BBQ!

At least your neighbors think your nice..?

At least u had a BBQ with ur neighbors...can't b all that bad

cradle6 13

^I hear you. I'm from austin area too. Thankfully everything has mostly been contained.

kikibrowm 7

Ugh, on Thursday all I could smell was smoke from some wildfires nearby... it sucked...

Hey at least its better than having it rot

sxe_beast 11

Chest freezer + Generator = Win.

Is that Johnny Depp on your profile picture? Btw I dont get your comment, please explain?

sxe_beast 11

Chest freezer (also known as a Deep Freezer) is a large freezer used for storage of food. We have a few chest freezers used to store large quantities of meats, vegetables, etc. We also have a power generator. I'm not sure why my comment is getting thumbs down?!

ImmaB3AST 7

Now you got an excuse if you ever wanna borrow shit from anyone.

ThisGi 0

Thats the dumbest thing you could have done

ShroomsOnAcid 16

That's the dumbest thing you could have said. Although if anyone is up to challenge you, by all means, proceed.

ThisGi- if this ever happens to OP again, and you're one of his neighbors, I will make sure he doesn't share it with you. OP is sharing and caring, which is good.

schaflava 0

No you won't. Because I'll be there to stop you from stoping him while eating BBQ that's so delicious because it's free. I have a penis btw

Marcella1016 31

This was definitely a YDI. The power was "probably" going to be out for a few days not "definitely." He could have 1) kept the meat in his freezer for awhile - the freezer stays cold for at least 24 hours, if not 48 if you don't open it all the time. 2) When the freezer is no longer cold, get bagged ice! I personally have done this several times and saved all my frozen goods during outages. And before you tell me, "Oh he did such a nice thing for his neighbors" he obviously regrets it because he posted it on FML. And he deserved it for assuming his meat would spoil.

Your name is incomplete. You have no opinion in this.

borkchop1992 15