By Anonymous - 10/06/2018 15:00

Today, I ended up in the hospital due to a severe acid reflux attack. I knew I had acid reflux for years, but was never allowed to get it checked out. Why? My dad told me I was too young to have it and that I was making it up. I now have to see a specialist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 171
You deserved it 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope he learns from this one mistake and realize that there is no such thing as "too young to have (insert medical condition here)". Take it from someone who thought it was a big deal when a teenager came into work for a stroke, until we had a child come in with a stroke.

Tell your dad he’s not too young to have senile dementia.


ArealgamerC 6

I am 14 and have acid reflux is that two young

wzz_xajh 3

I see when u feel acid reflux attack .take 3-5 groundnuts,masticate and eat it .

michaela 8

My little boy has it since birth. Its actually more common than people think.

It’s certainly possible to have it at a young age. I’ve had issues most of my life and now take medication for it.