By slut - 29/08/2011 16:22 - Canada

Today, I finally found out that the tattoo on my lower back means "slut" in Chinese, instead of "good fortune" as I always thought it did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 363
You deserved it 59 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you could make a good fortune being a ****! They don't call it a tramp stamp for no reason!

ZielZone 4

You should get "stupid" in Chinese above it. Then your life would be complete


It means "good fortune" to someone else :P time to get it Removed! Unless you go around china town with your back showing, no one will notice. :)

This is why you need to put a lot of thought and research into a tattoo, especially if it's in another language you don't read or speak, because it will most likely be on your body until they stuff you into a coffin or cremate your ass at the mortuary. I will never understand people who impulsively, drunkenly, or stupidly get a tattoo from someone they haven't researched or checked up on or the tat is something they picked off the wall of the tattoo parlor on a whim. I guess if you really don't care what you do to your body, fine, but you should--you only get one body. Not only can you get a disease from the needles if your tattoo artist isn't clean and reputable, but this FML goes to show you that being careless or stupid about what you're getting permanently inked into your skin means you might be a walking advertisement for your own stupidity.

demonspeed 0

Tattoo on the lower back...might as well be a bullseye...

1. FML posts like this make me wish you could click YDI more than once. 2. If you don't know EXACTLY what you are getting, and what it means, you deserve to have something stupid inked on you. 3. It's a tramp stamp, it would have meant '****' no matter what you put on there.

amayalives4music 1

You should put "Not A" on top of it so it will say. "not a ****" :D

bubo_fml 10

If you separated your buttock cheeks, would you poo out a fortune?

dd809 9

If you're not a nine year old boy then I'm embarrassed for you for making such an immature comment.

bubo_fml 10

Your consuming & commenting on the same material as I am on this site, yet you admonish me for doing the same as you do? In short, your a pot calling a kettle black. So, lighten up, enjoy a little juvenile giggle and don't be such a bloody hypocrite...