By shampoogirl - 26/08/2011 18:26 - United States

Today, I finally landed a new job, and thinking he would be proud, I told my boyfriend. Instead of congratulating me, he got mad that my work hours include Saturday, his laundry day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 102
You deserved it 4 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Laurenlou 24

Tell him to get off his ass and do the laundry himself! Psh.


YDI for being selfish. Who the **** is going to do the laundry now?

Stop trying to succeed in life. Your obligation is to do what the **** your boyfriend says at all times.

fez667 0

no bueno kick him out. id be proud of my chick if she got a legit job but kinda sad if i saw her less plus doing laundry together is much more interesting and productive


bs you dont get anything done. you just end up having sex halfway through, fall asleep, then wake up late for work the next day with your work uniform still in the washer so you have to call in sick.

Leave him, he obviously ain't worth shit!!!!

what? laundry is my favorite chore, he should hell as well!

I would take that as a sign and leave now. Don't lose five years figuring out what the rest of us already know

BellaMarta 19
BellaMarta 19

Maybe he just needs help doing his laundry. I know I have to help my brothers or everything will turn out terribly.