By shampoogirl - 26/08/2011 18:26 - United States

Today, I finally landed a new job, and thinking he would be proud, I told my boyfriend. Instead of congratulating me, he got mad that my work hours include Saturday, his laundry day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 102
You deserved it 4 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Laurenlou 24

Tell him to get off his ass and do the laundry himself! Psh.


delfino1604 24

lol so selfish for getting a job and working on laundry day! :P

Unless you do all his laundry by hand on a washboard, which is much harder than on that new fangled invention, the electric washing machine...

Hey that's laundry-sammich-******** day! Dump him

Get a new boyfriend. If that makes him mad, life with him will only get worse as he becomes more and more petty.

radiantxxreality 8

Time for a new boyfriend obviously.

Tell the little bitch to do his own laundry or gtfo.

jenncain 5

I do my man's laundry along with mine but when they don't appreciate it that's when they need to learn to do it their damn selves lol

Why were you doing his laundry in the first place? I assume you're dating a grown man and not a 4-year-old. Doesn't take a genius to work a washing machine, nor does it take a ******.

itsbrookebixch 0

What an inconsiderate asshole dump him