By tallguy - 29/08/2013 13:40 - Australia - North Adelaide

Today, I finally received the bicycle I ordered months ago. It was an expensive custom-made bike which perfectly fit my 6'9" frame. Today, that bike got stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 595
You deserved it 4 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It shouldn't be too difficult to find the 6'9" thief. You giants stick out like sore thumbs. Just look for the guy wheezing from breathing the thin air up there and other assorted tall people jokes because you're taller than I and I'm totally NOT bitter.

perdix 29

Tell the cops to be on the lookout for a guy riding a bike with a phone book on each pedal. Shouldn't be too hard to catch.


Did you leave it outside? My bike wasn't as new nor expensive and I locked it in the frame, but it got stolen anyway.

Wow! Youre hella tall. Im only 5'9" youre an entire foot taller.

Sorry bout your bike being stolen, but how hard is it to find a custom bike ? A bike ment for your size would totally stick out. Call the police!

Yusomadbro_fml 4

Godangit lebron quit taking bikes