By Anonymous - 09/07/2015 16:38 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I folded a stack of 2,500 brochures for the new exhibit we're putting on at the museum where I work. As I was finishing up, I got an email. The dates have just been changed, so all the brochures have to be reprinted and refolded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 259
You deserved it 1 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess your life has been folded the wrong way! Im sorry that was bad

mds9986 24

This is why I always procrastinate on my work. Ok, maybe not.


lissabobissa 18

What a waste of paper and time :( sorry op

That happens to me at work quite often. Rather than reprint, we just print out the correct info onto address stickers and use those to cover up the incorrect info. Sometimes we re-use pamphlets from previous years and do the same thing if the rest of the text didn't change.

don't think of it as wasted effort. think of it as job security

Err ask the printing company to fold them. They will have machines that would do it in a minute flat...

Nothing like job security. Look at it this way. At least your not licking envelopes.

Turn your ability to fold things into something more productive and become a geneticist. Fold DNA like no other.

so you are complaining about being paid to do stuff? im confused.

TallMist 32

She's complaining because she already did her work, but now has to do it all over again. It's not "You get paid how much you work." it's "You get paid how many hours you work." The only extra work you get paid for is overtime. If you printed 2,500 brochures and folded them then had to redo it all again, you wouldn't be happy either, no matter how much you're being paid for it.

Wow that seriously sucks! Hope that when the new brochures are printed you have some help folding. Good luck!