Red flag

By Anonymous - 11/10/2024 10:00 - United States - Lafayette

Today, I explained to my husband how much it bothers me when he constantly talks about one of his coworkers. He listened closely, never interrupted me, and seemed genuinely sorry afterwards. While he was consoling me and telling me that he'll stop, he called me by her name… three different times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 577
You deserved it 52

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pity you don't record these little 'slip-ups"...they'd play well at the divorce court.

@copalolita - Did you get picked yet?


Pity you don't record these little 'slip-ups"...they'd play well at the divorce court.

He’s only talking about her. I talk about my coworkers all the time to my husband. You’re saying all this stuff like he’s kissing/screwing her. A lot of people spend most of the time at work rather than at home so of course he’s gonna accidentally call you her name. Unless you know for a fact he’s screwing her or something stop being so insecure. If you can’t trust your partner, then you shouldn’t be with them to begin with. Next time you find yourself paranoid ask yourself this: Is my thought based on feelings or actual tangible facts?

It could be that he has feeling for her. It happens when people work together sometimes. You should work more on your bond with him, in order to make him forget her name.