By reallythough - 13/04/2013 18:07 - United Kingdom - Bicester

Today, I forgot to log out of my Facebook account before leaving for work. When I got back home, I discovered that my brother had gone through and commented "quack" on all my friend's duckfacing photos. She was not pleased. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 713
You deserved it 48 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where is the "Your idiot friend deserves it" button?

Cusefan5 6

They deserved for using the ugly ass **** face


monkeyy100 15

Thats one way to stop girls from taking duck face pictures LOL

Osum brother xD , although it aint cool that it was from ur account

I wonder how many of these girls that think its funny have duck face photos all over their FB pages...

BlitzPKF 10

If she's making the duckface, he was doing you a favor.

Good for him, and who cares what she is upset about. Chances are, he said what you were thinking, and she deserved to know she looked like an ugly duck with such a grotesque facial expression. Women everywhere need to learn that duck-facing makes them look like cheap trashy skanks.

Not that good of a friend, if my bestfriend made those faces i'd joke her so bad but she'd laugh and joke me back

You have a friend that makes multiple "Duck faces" on her Facebook account? How the hell old is she? How old are you to think this is even remotely cute? It was a temporary fad that was, at best, silly. It has long been over with and anyone at any age still doing it is pathetic.