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Quit while you're ahead

By noname - 20/03/2009 20:40 - United States

Today, I went on Facebook to find that my little brother had messed with my profile. He wrote on my status that I'm a piece of shit, I have no life, and several other nasty and perverted things. Underneath, it said 26 of my friends liked this. I'm new to Facebook. So far I have 26 friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 356
You deserved it 8 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

change your password. and log out when you leave.

hahafylop 4

brodizzle your an ass maybe he/she just turned 13 ever think of that?


change your password. and log out when you leave.

isitinmybedroom 11

fake because there is no way all 26 liked it

Sakeyaki 0

...Uhm, why would you leave yourself logged in?

how about you not care what other people think of you.

brodizzle 0

YDI for being new to facebook. It's been around for years.

hahafylop 4

brodizzle your an ass maybe he/she just turned 13 ever think of that?

haha this has happened to so many of my friends, still funny to hear

dont leave yourself logged in ! thats all ahha sounds like something my little sister would do to me and my friends may do that to there just kidding

#8, it took me forever to get a facebook...Because almost none of my friends had them. Actually, the only reason I even have one now is that my family in another state uses facebook and I use it to keep in touch with them.

ladyitalkalot 0