By payne - 04/01/2010 21:07 - United States

Today, I found my daughter's brand new ipod touch. At the bottom of the washing machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 723
You deserved it 6 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

graciedacie 0

Why do they deserve it? Whaaaaat? (Speaking to those who hit YDI, of course.) Dang kids! ;)

she deserves it for not checking her pockets. and only fyl if you were the one who bought it for her which i'm assuming.


dmmcintyre3 8

Apple's warranties cover manufacturing defects, not water damage.

Anunnaki 0

Never trust kids to check their own pockets, or you could end up with a broken washing machine/dryer.

FurtadoFreakazoi 0

wow that's terrible! did it work after?! I did that to mine but it's dead. :( ohhh well

Be prepared for a tantrum-throwing teenager for the next wee while ...

Wickid_one4life 1

Its only bad 4 u if u replace it and if u do u deserve it for not making her takr better care of her things

And that is why you ALWAYS check ALL of your pockets before you throw your clothes in the wash!

Google "revive your phone". It helps for water damage.