By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 22:06 - United States

Today, I found my phone under the car seat after three days. I flipped it open ready to issue apologies to everyone who had tried to get in touch with me and I had worried. No missed calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 941
You deserved it 10 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blondebabycakes 0

unfortunate. maybe you should be a better friend...or at least get some good weed...then youll have lots of friends XFD


MrBadLuck 0

Not an FML. Everyone loses their phone. A lot of people aren't popular and don't get called 24/7.

cantth1nk0fnam3 3

don't be suck a wuss. get over yourself. it's not an fml

ernaynay 0

maaaaaan i feel you. i get a lil bummed after waking up on a weekend day with no texts or anything. three days, sad.

ugk4life 0

Man I rarely get phone calls, but I do get numerous amounts of texts. One question, do you have another phone people can get ahold of you with? But 3 days come on mayne. If it was 2 weeks or a month, then you'd have a reason to say FML.

lol i never get calls either. dont be so histrionic

somedouche 0

I never get texts or calls, just ring 'em up. If they're not there, screw them =].

If you went 3 days without your phone, you probably don't use it that much anyway.

eh, no worries... i lost my phone for a week in my friends car and apparently i didn't miss any calls either..

Whatever, I'm sure people still care about you.