By Jololol - 17/05/2013 09:25 - United States

Today, I found out I was named after the woman my dad used to stalk when he was in high school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 196
You deserved it 3 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And your mother actually agreed to that? That is one progressive wife right there!


My cousin named both of his kids after **** stars.

Please please please tell me what he named them.

You know now that you'll always be the favorite of his offspring. Silver lining to the creeper-cloud that is your family.

*silence* WHAT!! That disturbing in so many levels

RedPillSucks 31

Wonder if that's better than being named after cars he covets Come on Porsche, Mercedes or cars he actually owns Come on Chevette, Pinto

I'm sure he doesn't stalk her anymore...

How does your mom feel about that?

UnluckyGenius 21