By Anonymoose - 08/09/2015 19:12 - United States - West Long Branch

Today, I found out I wasn't cool enough to be invited to a college party that happened last night. The one in charge of inviting people was my girlfriend of two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 267
You deserved it 2 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds to me like someone either wanted to have a massive orgy, or someone wanted to play "I'm totally single" in a crowd full of drunken fools. I'm not one to scream "ditch the bitch" like a lot of people are, but I'd say it's a big red flag.

Well then maybe it's time to have a long talk with your girlfriend.


She didn't want to, because he wasn't "cool" enough.

Ask people who went there what happened there

bad_boyfriend 10

I've got news for you dude. If she doesn't want you at the party she is looking to change her situation.

A lot of the things that happened "Today" didn't actually happen today. FML just has it set up that way.

Maybe she didn't invite you because people like to have, and this may come as a shock for some people, space. Yep, not everyone wants to be with they're girlfriend/boyfriend 24/7. Maybe her friends went and they had a girls night.

I agree that its ok to spend some time away from your S.O for a girls/boys night but usually the decent thing to do is to tell them before you go out with your friends. OP gf didnt tell him until after the party. so she clearly doesn't respect him at all if she did she would have told him that she was going to a party with just friends.

sorry to hear that... but all kidding aside, dump her! bottom line is: no one's partner should be partying w/o them (at the very least) knowing about it - that's a HUGE RED FLAG!!

she had a hidden agenda and you weren't part of the plan

ourtneyc 14

For someone you've spent two years of your life with, I would have to ask, has she done something like this before? not necessarily a party or so but something inconsiderate like that?