By Anonymoose - 08/09/2015 19:12 - United States - West Long Branch

Today, I found out I wasn't cool enough to be invited to a college party that happened last night. The one in charge of inviting people was my girlfriend of two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 267
You deserved it 2 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds to me like someone either wanted to have a massive orgy, or someone wanted to play "I'm totally single" in a crowd full of drunken fools. I'm not one to scream "ditch the bitch" like a lot of people are, but I'd say it's a big red flag.

Well then maybe it's time to have a long talk with your girlfriend.


sh4ll0truth88 8

She cheated on you. Time to move on..

I agree with #1, I bet she wanted to play single and pretend like she didn't have a significant other.

ChrisMora 16

Maybe she wanted to invite you, but was explicitly told not to.

If someone put me in that position, I would explicitly tell them what they could do with their invitations.

Sorry, buddy. There could be a totally innocuous, legitimate reason behind her behavior, but then why lie about it?

Badkarma4u 17

Since you had been dating for two years she probably thought she didnt need to tell you were invited, jackass.