By stillpoor - 14/03/2009 13:44 - United States

Today, I found out I won a 20 000 dollar scholarship. After celebrating with my family by jumping around the room for a half-hour, we realized it was addressed to someone else with the same last name. When we called to tell her, she said it was weird because she had received my rejection letter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 191 684
You deserved it 23 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry to hear that. This really made me sad if it's true. I really do hope you get the scholarship. Don't stress, there are plenty of scholarships to go around, and you just keep applying and don't stress it.


lexxiii 17

Aww ='[ Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you applied for another collage that accepted you.

I am so incredibly sorry! Perhaps you could reapply to that college for next year. It could give you a little time to improve your resume and essays. This isn't the end of the world. Things might be different the next time around.

if it was addressed to her, then how did it get to your house?

that's terrible op! I'm sorry! keep applying for schorlarships though!