By fuckyoudeadgunnuts - 04/09/2015 14:30 - United States - San Francisco
Same thing different taste
The clichés are real
By Krish Kochar - 08/11/2022 10:00 - Canada
By smalltownkid - 01/03/2015 23:22 - United States - Houston
But mah freedumbs!
By Anonymous - 12/04/2013 10:23 - Canada
End me
By Daniel_rules - 17/04/2009 17:02 - United States
By ehxtraordinarily pissed - 13/12/2014 18:36 - United States - Coweta
By unproud - 15/11/2013 07:05 - United Kingdom - Luton
By TraumaPhobe - 02/01/2022 16:58
All cars look the same these days
By Anonymous - 07/10/2024 06:00 - United States - Bakersfield
By lamed - 04/12/2009 22:01 - United States
By aloneinaz - 15/01/2017 20:00
Top comments
Well he will never return
I actually thought Houston lol
My mind went straight to New Jersey, actually...
Detroit was my first thought. Maybe because I've been there.
I thought of Memphis, where it's quite common for that to happen.
Yu guys forgot chicago
My initial assumption was Alabama.
in AZ, it's open carry, conceal carry all day. anything goes but we're (mostly) not stupid about it
#15, with all due respect, no one in their right mind would say Detroit rarely has shootings haha
Omg let's not talk about Chicago. I'm in the airport in Chicago right now waiting for my next flight ):
honestly my thoughts went straight to NYC but maybe thats just me... now to actually check the location.
Oh man!??. Buy him a gun!He'll feel safe!
Pretty sure having more guns on the street is not the solution to gun crime...
#14 Pretty sure you didn't recognize the sarcasm in this one...
Pretty sure every study shows that the less restrictive it is for law abiding people to own guns, the lower the crime rates. That's something the gun control fanatics won't tell you.
If law abiding citizens lose guns we might have less accidents, but I doubt the criminals misusing guns will follow the gun laws. If they did we wouldn't have this issue to begin with. Besides violent people will find other weapons to use in their crimes.
Guns are fine. What's not fine are giant full auto rifles that people can go buy easily. There is absolutely NO reason for those to be legal, other than its "fun to shoot" and unfortunately it may be fun to shoot but shooting it can hurt people
38, you are correct, but remember that families that own cars are exponentially more likely to be involved in car accidents, that statistic is incidental. As for "other countries", Japan, Australia, and Britain, are three off the top of my head with total bans on guns and zero gun crime. But all those have at least one essential factor in common, they're islands, meaning there is a physically limited number of points of entry into the country. And, here's another couple statistics for you, Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, Australia passed their gun control laws over a decade ago, their homicide rate has not dropped appreciably (people just use other stuff), Britain has contemplated mandating shatterproof pints in order to curb "pint glass violence" The fact of the matter is, all the statistics quoted above, by me and others, are correct, but none of them tell the whole story
Well time to pack his bags now, I think he's had enough.
last year, an exchange student at my college from Northern Ireland went to San Francisco over winter break...and got shot in the arm.
Typical Non-American.
Yeah, I've never seen someone get shot in my life so I wouldn't say that is "typical" I have heard of plenty of shootings in other countries too. Bad generalization.
As someone who has travelled to America, it's actually so scary to witness anything like this (when you're from a country with strict gun laws). I hadn't even seen a gun up close until I was in America and I'm 20 y/o. But then again, there are risks with every choice a person makes, including getting in a car.
I live in America... and while it's not an everyday occurrence...... well.... you won't witness it everyday... but yes I suppose at least one person gets shot every day in the USA... I guess I'm not being very helpful lol... you just have to go to the right places... avoid the high crime cities and you should be good.
Lol that's a actually hilarious.
I guess all needs is a shot in the arm.
That must suck. I live in America but thankfully I never see that. The only time I have seen anyone get shot is when my brothers and I went to go get our vaccination shots.

Well he will never return
Oh man!??. Buy him a gun!He'll feel safe!