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By RektForLyfe - 25/07/2016 03:32 - United States - Wickliffe

Today, I was accepted to the college of my dreams. Then I checked the address. Turns out, the letter was meant for my neighbor. I was actually denied. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 595
You deserved it 1 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was the letter not addressed by name on the inside? Sucks OP, it's bad enough that you didn't get accepted let alone having to know your neighbour did, especially if they don't choose to go there. Definitely FYL

If you open mail that's addressed to someone else, you shouldn't be surprised when its contents also relate to someone else...


I am the FML first protector. I have protected bravely defended this FML from all first comments.

deathstroke990 22 became the bad first comment

It was a worthy sacrifice for all of us. His name shall go down in history.

Asaroth 9

But you have not protected it, or anything else, from terrible grammar...

Was the letter not addressed by name on the inside? Sucks OP, it's bad enough that you didn't get accepted let alone having to know your neighbour did, especially if they don't choose to go there. Definitely FYL

It might turn out to be the best thing that could happen. Who knows, maybe you'll meet the man of your dreams in another college?

cranberries_fml 17

Because obviously OP is going to college to find a husband. Maybe she'll find him in her Advanced Homemaking class!

#5 never said that was why OP is in college she just gave one example of something great that could happen as a result of going to another college. Stop trying to be offended over everything and stop giving snarky replies. Try to think about what the comment says at face value.

Political correctness has no limits. I know many couples who met in college. My parents did. Peace

It's not that it's un-PC, it's just that he made it sound like the only thing women can do at school is find a husband, which would be considered BS even before everything went super PC.

#14 that's not the point in why OP wants to go to college and that's what you're missing

It didn't even cross my mind that it would be the point. Some things just happen when you don't expect them. Why always look for bad intentions? Really it didn't even cross my mind. I'm so surprised you guys thought of it. OP: I hope you get a good life anyway, with a great career, all sorts of achievements, success in any possible way and be happy with a good guy or girl or on your own.

lordlekal 17

And why didn't ya look at the name on the envelope first.

If you open mail that's addressed to someone else, you shouldn't be surprised when its contents also relate to someone else...

Obviously so, but OP didn't look at who it was addressed to in the first place, hence why he said after he looked at the contents.

It sounds as if the letter was misdelivered. It happens, you know. And she didn't check the address until after she opened it. She made a mistake, she didn't deliberately open someone else's mail.

I can understand your possible excitement upon seeing mail from a college you wish to attend. However, not reading the name on the envelope is just bullpuckey.

This sorta happened to me. For two years straight I took a test to get into this high school and missed by 10 points both times. A good friend ended up telling me how snobbish the kids were, so I took that as a sign. Good luck with college Op!

I'm guessing the op saw a big envelope with the college's logo on it and was excited before reading to whom and to where it was addressed on the front. Acceptance letters tend to be in big envelopes because they include welcome materials while rejection letters will be a single folded sheet in a regular sized envelope.