By Anonymous - 29/12/2011 22:06 - United States

Today, I found out my girlfriend starts fights with me over text because apparently, when I'm arguing with someone, I stop speaking in "annoying shorthand" and am grammatically correct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 171
You deserved it 38 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend sounds like the kind of girl I'd like, were I not gay.

She's right. Shorthand like that is annoying. Itz rly annoyn 2 c dis wen u cn easili typ prprly n d same amt f tym.


blackman100 20

You bastard! How dare you speak proper English over text!

ZombieKitteh 8

just because it's a text message doesn't mean you gotta type like a retarded cave man

i do the same thing. you are not alone

Wow, your girlfriend is great. Stop the shorthand, and she''ill stop the fights.

I'm the same way, texting wise. If I'm upset/angry, then my texts become grammatically correct.