By Username - 13/09/2010 23:19 - France

Today, I found out my grandmother doesn't wear underwear when she bent over in front of me in her inappropriately short nightgown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 659
You deserved it 2 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Was she picking up her Chap-Stick saying, "Oh, these old lips are so dry and chapped! Will you help your dear ol' Granny rub it on and get some relief?"


JokeMeister 0

Good Lord! Find a therapist FAST!!!!

sadgirlygirl23 0
ninjanate 0

the fml's aren't entertaining, the comments are.

evanpeer 0

ydi for looking at her ass while she's bending over to begin with.