By Why_Not31 - 01/09/2011 21:58 - United States

Today, I found out that getting caught in a barbed wire fence isn't as bad as it sounds. Running through a forest at night, tripping over one, rolling down an embankment, and getting swiped by a car, however, is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 290
You deserved it 7 403

Why_Not31 tells us more.

Why_Not31 12

It was one of those knee-high single wire barbed fences they use to keep deer/horses and stuff away from certain places like roads...I think. I don't really know what those fences do, except trip people and hurt a lot. At least it wasn't electric.


Funny story actually, I ran into the same problems when crossing the border from Mexico.

Were you being chased by wolves? Vampires? Skipping on a dinner check? Fleeing an angry ***** because you didn't have $50 after she had already swallowed? WHAT MAN??????

hairguitarhero 5

Oh my. So many options to choose from. I have just one question. What happened to your car?

hairguitarhero 5

Running through the forest....naked? Just asking.

Why_Not31 12

Thankfully, I was not naked. I was wearing some decent camo and a light jacket.

Sounds Like your under age at a party and the cops showed up. So you ran like a dumbass

jswizzle_ 6

Sounds like one of those scary movies.

YTDI for running through the forest at night


That sound like a awesome night

At least you didn't jump and slam into the windshield.


That sound like a awesome night