By Why_Not31 - 01/09/2011 21:58 - United States
Why_Not31 tells us more.
It was one of those knee-high single wire barbed fences they use to keep deer/horses and stuff away from certain places like roads...I think. I don't really know what those fences do, except trip people and hurt a lot. At least it wasn't electric.
Top comments
Funny story actually, I ran into the same problems when crossing the border from Mexico.
Number one and number 69 my two favorite numbers
Yes very funny...
Were you being chased by wolves? Vampires? Skipping on a dinner check? Fleeing an angry ***** because you didn't have $50 after she had already swallowed? WHAT MAN??????
Not everyone has a car.
Sounds Like your under age at a party and the cops showed up. So you ran like a dumbass
YTDI for running through the forest at night
At least you didn't jump and slam into the windshield.
what kind of car was it? i it was a lexus im sorry!
Bet it was an an ambulance
What, did you just escape from prison?
Rough day huh?