By sakurabloom - 04/05/2016 20:08 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, I found out that if I take back my expensive headphones that my daughter constantly borrows, she will play porn on max volume, whether or not I have guests over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 978
You deserved it 2 262

sakurabloom tells us more.

OP here. for all you saying i need to disipline my daughter, believe me i have. I made her appologise to my guests, her computer is taken away and she is grounded for two weeks. the poignancy of the FML would have been lost if i included that part along with the post being too long.

Top comments

Here's a thought. Take away the device she's using to play **** on. Maybe I don't know.. Try grounding her for her actions. Discipline.. It's an amazing thing.

justcommenting19 19

This is why parents have to discipline their kids.


Buy her new headphones, or yourself new headphones or take away the device she's using or you can use apps that block her access to the Internet.

And then she'd get her a** whooped, while the guests were still there. Then she'd apologize to them, in person, before they left. Afterwards, she'd write them each a letter of apology, by hand. Then she'd only be allowed to use expensive headphones when she buys her own.

Yeah, maybe it's time to buy her some headphones...

tapdancecolumbia 14

Here's where I wish "You deserved it" was still here. As another said, discipline is something that every parent needs to dish out once in a while. For not doing so, YDI.

She never said she didn't discipline her child holy geez

TeacherTeacher 11

She obviously wants you to take charge and set some boundaries for her. So set some. Take away the headphones and talk about sex and relationships with her. Be prepared to be very embarrassed, but you're doing it for her mental health.

OP here. for all you saying i need to disipline my daughter, believe me i have. I made her appologise to my guests, her computer is taken away and she is grounded for two weeks. the poignancy of the FML would have been lost if i included that part along with the post being too long.

Well honestly you should've just shut the Internet off and canceled her phone...

hellobobismyname 24

I think OP did just fine with disciplining her daughter.

I'm just wondering why she ever thought that was ok?

Sir_Cow 17

A spanking? Although it depends how old she is.

#60 If she is old enough to know what **** is/watch it, she is probabaly too old for spanking. Although, a lot of kids these days are doing more "grown-up" things at younger and younger ages, so you're guess is as good as anybody's...

Good job! Good luck! Hope she learned her lesson.

Mcstud1y 30

Thank you for being a good parent OP

Thanks for the update op. For the people saying"just buy her some headphones"(regardless of price) Hopefully you are not parents, and for the ones that are, that is bad parenting. If she is acting this way for some headphones, what's next? She's going to do something else to get what she wants. Buying her the headphones is giving up and taking the easy way out. Instead she should earn things that she wants. With good behavior come rewards.

Idiot_Penguini 7

Why 2 weeks though? I would've grounded her for a month without electronics and no going out with friends.

maybe try parental control on the router when company is over? just an idea

Parental controls are easy to get around.

If she uses a VPN, router parental controls are useless

tarlax 11

Actually, using a VPN wouldn't solve anything. The most she could do would be to use an HTTPS connection to encrypt the actual data being sent back and forth, if the site actually supports HTTPS. But even then, the website's domain name would still be visible to any firewall that's filtering the traffic. It's always fun when people talk about stuff they obviously know nothing about.

Your daughter has balls of steel to play **** on full blast.

Remember the Golden rule: do unto others as you would want doesn't to you. By that I mean wait until she has friends over and Blast ****. Hook up speakers into her room.

I'm confused as to why she would do that? I would NEVER even think of doing that wtf? I dread to even think of what my mum would do to me if I done that.

#100 really with the obnoxious remarks. yes there's go arounds captain obvious. Parental controls however, with most teens they don't know the tech savvy back routes to use the loop holes.

Do agree with you on that one. In the "Teens React To: 90s Internet" there was a girl who said "how are going to connect to the Internet if there's no WiFi?" However, I'm 13 and I know every nook and cranny of all devices in the house. Nobody's stopping me! :P Anyways, she'll probably have enough mobile data to put it on her phone... Do pray there's no DLNA or Miracast in the house.

Mortoli 30

good deal lol. hope you had a long talk with her seriously and told her to get a job and pay for own headset that way, if she old enough, she can get back to watchin her stuff. and wont have to borrow yours btw telling her to get a job to buy those headsets is a good discipline tactic works better than most think. good luck either way.

internet controls, there are ways to block sites even if she used incognito

divine punishment for this kind of attitude.... just joking... But you must teach her discipline or her future will be... who knows ;p

To those who are saying, "Just buy her a cheap pair of headphones," no! Discipline her.

Buying headphones isn't the issue, it's doing it after she pulled something like this. It's saying the behavior gets her what she wants.

I can only imagine how your daughter acts the rest of the time, if she was actually bold enough to do this. I would have NEVER had the balls to do that. Ever. I still wouldn't now, even if it was my parents taking my headphones, and them living in my home. Holy crap.

exactly this. OP does not know how to discipline their daughter. I wouldn't even dare doing this to my mum.