By adalia - 19/07/2009 17:11 - United Kingdom

By adalia - 19/07/2009 17:11 - United Kingdom
By hateskool888581 - 12/01/2010 00:28 - Mexico
By whattheactualfuck - 22/01/2016 12:50 - South Africa - Durban
By Anonymous - 22/07/2009 18:41 - United States
By Noname - 13/03/2009 20:54 - United States
By jonasister - 15/04/2012 18:43 - Sweden - Lund
By Nope - 26/06/2015 21:46 - United States - Healdsburg
By Norwegian - 02/06/2012 16:55 - Norway
By cdaniel2 - 12/02/2009 17:15 - United States
By WayToGoDaddyHo - 08/07/2015 06:17 - United States - Beaverton
By wildthing - 01/07/2009 19:33 - United States
At least your brother stood up for you?
yeah I think a "thank you" is in order
i agree, plus most brothers would say that dont take personally he was just helping
Exactly. He's being a brother. This in no way ***** your life.
wow. not a 'fml' situation. yur bro is standing up for u
i think thaz mean of him to say poor u =( but if he was just protecting u i dont see any point of u posting this here
talk to u in therapy after the rape
Wow, you should be thankful for that. Do you wanna get raped? Seriously, what kind of mindset are you in?
I think that should be taken more as a compliment than an insult.
That's what my thought is "Today, I learned that I can't get raped. FML" i mean, what?
that is so false! anyone can get raped! rapists don't care about how pretty a woman is, but how vulnerable they are. rapists don't want to put up a fight, because they're cowards. i'm not trying to scare people by saying "everyone can get raped, you will, too!" but merely to say that no one's immune to it, especially based on their looks or how they dress.
People take these comments way to seriously. It's annoying how some get into the fact that she was saying she wanted to be raped. Or that she can't even get a rapist to have sex with her. Whatever the case may be, the comment doesn't need to be factual and say that rape is about power and not sex and blah blah blah. While this would make a very good thesis, it makes a horrible comment. Most comments should consist of: hahaha, FYL, you're screwed, I'm sorry; something to that effect. But this is just my opinion of course and people will do as they please and feel they need to prove their point because "they are always right".
#40 - I agree with everything you said except 'rapists want to put up a fight.' I understand that a number do, and that is in fact what they're looking for. Or maybe I'm getting rapists confused with serial killers. Meh. There's probably some overlap. Oh, and OP - Sounds to me like your brother was just trying to help you out. I wouldn't take that personally.
I actually said "rapists DON'T want to put up a fight..." but no worries. honest mistake. And the reason people take shit seriously is maybe because we actually have hearts? everyone else not caring about issues like this is what causes them to continue to be issues in our world. Yea making a comment on FML isn't going to change the world, but maybe it can correct some of the ignorance you seem to have :-P
All I meant to convey was my opinion about how people get so angry over the stupidest of things, especially on here. Sorry if I hurt your feelings. And I would appreciate you not calling me ignorant considering you have no clue who I am or what I have been through. All you are doing is proving my point about how people feel that they need to feel superior to others and make sure they're never wrong. By the way, this is just a joke site and things are meant to be taken with a grain of salt. People don't need to be over-thinking things when all the OP is trying to do is tell a funny story.
some of the FML's i've read have been about people getting dumped or cheated on in pretty nasty ways. I don't think they consider that a joke. and i didn't mean to say you personally were ignorant, but just some of the people who make stupid comments, the type of comments that lead people to react strongly. there's a fine line between making a joke and being offensive and insulting.
Yes, that is true. Sometimes the subjects in question are a bit harsh. But I don't think the OP always wants thing to be taken so seriously; otherwise they wouldn't post on a site entitled FMyLife. I do believe that there is a time and a place to discuss such serious topics, but I do not believe that place is on this website.
How come everyone thinks all rapists are men? I know most are but the women that do never ever get charged for sexual assult or anything, it's basically against the law for a female to get charge for that. Many situations men end up in get them charged for sexual assult, yet women come out clean in the same situation.
i guess if you can't get normal people, or rapists, maybe your brother would be in your league?
hear hear #50!
whitepeople also disgust ne
Sad, even rapists won't go for you. You must be really, really ugly to your brother. I've heard of very ugly people getting raped.
Hey, since when does any brother think his teenage sister is pretty?
Its a good thing
Don't take it personally, most rapists are horrible human beings otherwise they wouldn't take advantage of any woman/man (Hey, it could happen).
if a man's pathetic enough to get raped he deserves it
Haha lol 127. And yes, sometimes boys get raped by women. I'll bet those poor boys aren't seen as '*******'.
And why is this a bad thing?
Rape is not about sexual gratification, but power and degradation. Attractiveness has nothing to do with it.
At least your brother stood up for you?