By Ishii - 07/02/2010 18:58 - Canada

Today, I found out that, if timed just right, the alarm function on my phone can be disabled by a text message. And my dad has an impeccable sense of timing. I was 20 minutes late for work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 032
You deserved it 3 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol wow, what are the odds, that sux big time =P


Make that 21 minutes late for adding the FML...nice job, bud.

TheDaveCA 1

For someone with a name such as yours, it's particularly amusing when you miss the fact that it's entirely likely this FML wasn't posted until hours or days later.

it's okay to assume the OP posted this before work because of the sentence," I am now 20 minutes late for work." douchebag.

saranottelling 7

dude that sucks I've always wondered about things like that on my iPhone, thanks for answering my question! :) and guys this is posted pretty late, so this was probably done after work, that's how he had time

KurouTenshi 0

seeing as you wrote it "now I'm 20 minutes late for work" I read it as though this FML was written on your way to work. so YDI for putting FML so high in your priority :/

What if OP takes the bus or something to work, and posted it from a laptop on the way? Or maybe, OP just needs to learn how to use the past tense.

that's happened to me too. I saw the text and just ignored it think I still had time before my alarm.

Try to block his number if you can or stop using your cell as an alarm clock and go to the dollar store and buy any cheap alarm clock. Jeez, dude this isnt rocket science, what the ****... seriously.... (-___-)

if ur so late to work why the hell r u on FML?! dumbass