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By grrrr - 08/02/2010 00:35 - United States

Today, my son learned about various animals in school, and how they urinate to mark their territory. Apparently, the entire second floor of my house is now my son's territory. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 421
You deserved it 2 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pee on him right back. That'll show who's boss.

Yulia_fml 0

It's not his fault if everyone's always telling kids to apply what they learn in school.


man that was funny as he'll but I feel bad for you hope all works out

WonderCut 0

Wow. That was exactly word for word of what I was about to say.

datgo321 0

he had a lot of pee to cover the entire second floor

bceltics2199 0

that sucks but atleast it will be a great story to later tell when he starts a family

Sucks because you can't clean it up (Its his territory).

Averizzle 0
Menick47 0

haha! that's why ur not first retard!

iCrazie 0

lol snickers guess what SECOND lol you being pissed off at a guy posting first is an fml all by its self.XD

^dammit beat me to it.. anyway FIRST AGAIN!!

well there goes ur upstairs.... blows dude lol

u should of marked ur territory in his room

metalmusic 0

All I can say is baking soda. And it's seriously time for some disciplanary action.

drilher244 0

disciplinary action? just get him a litter box haha

Pee on him right back. That'll show who's boss.

Lol. That's exactly what I was thinking. XD

WonderCut 0

lol pee on him. Well guess what? There are now laws saying you can 't abuse your child. If it was legal I would so the same.

that's not abusing the child, that's marking him as her/his territory 8D

If he's going to act like an animal, treat him like one. Buy a leash and tell him to sleep on the floor, he'll learn soon enough.

I agree, don't forget to walk him and let him out to pee in the backyard at night or he might start to claw at your door, very irritating. Teach him tricks too.

calaholic35 0

Of course, child abuse should be legalized...

dphilipson12 0
Yulia_fml 0

It's not his fault if everyone's always telling kids to apply what they learn in school.

advent2060 4

Don't feel bad. At least he learned something. If only you learned to raise your kid properly.